Volunteer Opportunities for Older Adults
Boston needs your strong skills and experience.
We can connect you to a variety of volunteer opportunities based on your interests, location, and preferred time commitment.
Our partner and funderAmeriCorps is our partner and funder for our AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP and AmeriCorps Seniors Senior Companion programs.
About the Program
Volunteers serve at locations throughout Boston offering:
- companionship to older adults and individuals with disabilities
- respite to caregivers
- food delivery to frail seniors
- support to local food pantries
- facilitate Opioid Education and Money Smart workshops
- serve as class aides or assist ESL Teachers in programs, and
- greet constituents at Boston City Hall.
- You must be age 55 or over.
- If you plan to offer offer transportation, you need to have a valid driver's license.
- You also need to pass a Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) background check.
We want to provide a range of exciting opportunities for people. If you have a suggestion for a new volunteer site or role, please contact us at agestrong@boston.gov.
"The City of Boston recognizes the skills that we have. While we may be retired, we are still able to apply those skills to our communities."
— Marsha Colbert
"Senior Greeters at the front of City Hall are not just pretty faces. We’re respected. We welcome tourists. We can answer 99% of questions from visitors."
— Nicholas “Jerry” Leonard
Volunteers in Action
Bus Buddy Chronicles
The Age Strong Commission’s AmeriCorps Seniors Bus Buddy volunteers are trained and matched to people 55 and over to teach them how to plan trips and navigate routes safely on the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Transit system. Each Bus Buddy and their matches ride the transit system together until they are comfortable riding alone. They travel to medical appointments and fun locations throughout the city.
Meet Some of Our Age Strong Volunteers - Boston Seniority Magazine October 2023 Featured Article
"You may know that the Age Strong Commission offers events and resources for older adults. But, did you know that Age Strong also has a large team of volunteers who share their time in a variety of ways. Maybe you could benefit from a volunteer helping you – or maybe you could help another older adult?
Age Strong offers many ways you can volunteer that fit your lifestyle: Senior Greeters welcome residents to Boston City Hall and help them find where they need to go on site. RSVP Volunteers are trained to lead workshops or provide companionship. Some volunteers participate in our Property Tax Work-Off Program, where they volunteer in exchange for money off their property taxes. Some of our volunteers work out in neighborhoods, others work with our staff at City Hall.
This month, we talked to three volunteers to learn a little more about their programs."