Supplier Diversity
We work to ensure that minority-owned, women-owned, small and small local businesses can thrive and grow in Boston through access to City contracts.
What We Do
We certify businesses as:
- Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs)
- Women Business Enterprises (WBEs)
- Small Business Enterprises (SBEs)
- Small Business Local Enterprises (SLBEs)
We host Opportunity Fairs that connect businesses to city department contact and contracts as well as business resources tables. We also host in person and virtual Certification workshops so that you can learn how to become a certified business with the City of Boston’s Supplier Diversity Office.
We also run programs that support minority, women, and small businesses in growing their capacity to bid for City and other government contracts.
The City of Boston does not certify Veteran Owned Small Businesses (VOSBs) or Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs). However, we recognize those businesses that have been certified by the U.S. Small Business Administration and include this designation in the directory with their City certification.
White Stadium Contracting Opportunities
This spring and summer, the City of Boston hosts a series of White Stadium Contracting Opportunity Fairs.
The City of Boston invites local contractors, small business owners, and entrepreneurs to attend one or more of these events, which are an opportunity to connect with the project team to learn more about upcoming contracts, timelines, and other information.
Upcoming event dates, times, and locations are as follows:
- Tuesday, March 18 from 6pm to 8pm: National Center of Afro-American Artists
- Tuesday, April 15 from 6pm to 8pm: Lena Park Community Center
- Tuesday, May 20 from 6pm to 8pm: Grove Hall Branch of the Boston Public Library
- Tuesday, June 24 from 6pm to 8pm: William E. Reed Auditorium
Learn more about the project and these events at
Certify Your Business with the Supplier Diversity Program
The Supplier Diversity Program works to ensure that minority-owned, women-owned, and small businesses can thrive and grow in Boston through equitable access to City contracts.
Certified Business Directory
See a list of all current businesses MBEs, WBEs, SBEs and SLBEs certified through the City of Boston Department of Supplier Diversity.
Guide to City Contracting
Doing business with the City may be easier than you thought. Get more information on the process.
Contracting Opportunity Fund
Leveling the playing field for historically disadvantaged businesses interested in City contracts and helping small businesses increase their capacity.
Sheltered Market Program
We're designating City of Boston contracts as available exclusively for minority- and women-owned certified businesses.
City Contracting Dashboard
The Equity in City Contracting Dashboard provides additional transparency and visibility into the City’s progress toward meeting its supplier diversity goals.
Policy and Process
Policy and ProcessLearn more about the IQC, which allows City staff to use a simplified process to procure higher values of supplies and...
The study identified challenges for minority- and woman-owned businesses in doing business with Boston.
Read the executive order establishing equitable procurement goals in support of minority and woman-owned businesses.
Equity in City Contracts FY24 Reporting
Upcoming events and workshops
Interpretation, translation, and disability accommodation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at or 617-635-2833.
Hay servicios de interpretación, traducción y adaptaciones para discapacidades a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico a o llamando a 617-635-2833.
Sèvis entèpretasyon, tradiksyon, ak sèvis akomodasyon pou andikape disponib pou ou gratis. Si w bezwen sèvis sa yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan oswa 617-635-2833.
我們可以為您提供免費的口譯, 筆譯, 和殘疾人士合理照顧服務。如有需要,請在) XX 月 YY 日, 前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至 或致電 617-635-2833
Các dịch vụ thông dịch, dịch thuật và hỗ trợ người khuyết tật được cung cấp miễn phí cho bạn. Nếu bạn cần họ, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ hoặc 617-635-2833 trước ngày:
我们可以为您提供免费的口译, 笔译, 和残疾人士合理照顾服务。如有需要,请在XX 月 YY 日 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件至 或致电 617-635-2833
Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason, traduson y sirvisus di komodason pa gentis ku difisénsia di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email ó pa telefóni, pa númeru 617-635-2833.