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FY24 Green and Growing

The City’s commitment to environmental justice means that every Bostonian will enjoy a greener and more climate-resilient city. The budget aims to support a growing economy.

The FY24 Budget is making targeted investments to ensure access to high-quality open spaces for all Bostonians, reach goals outlined in the City's Climate Action Plan, implement BERDO 2.0, advance Boston’s Green New Deal, combat the housing crisis, and strengthen local businesses.

Energy Efficiency

Investing in CARBON-NEUTRAL Buildings

The Environment Department is working to meet the City's goal of creating a carbon-free building stock, as outlined in the BERDO 2.0 ordinance. To meet the demands of the moment, the budget adds two new program managers who will bring the needed expertise to ensure successful implementation.

The FY24-28 Capital budget includes significant investment in the creation of energy-efficient buildings. The Mayor's Office of Housing will begin a new $50 million project to retrofit Boston Housing Authority sites. These improvements will include electrifying HVAC systems, replacing natural gas stoves and appliances, and electrifying other energy systems to reduce these sites' carbon footprint. Additionally, Phase 3 of the Renew Boston Trust project, a project that identifies opportunities to retrofit city buildings with energy-efficient renovations, will receive $44 million in additional funding.

Solar panels cover a police carport in boston

Rollerblader rides in front of view away from camera near stream

Environmentally Friendly Transportation

Boston is committed to expanding options for lower carbon emission travel. This year's Transportation budget build on existing work to become an electric vehicle-friendly city. The capital plan commits an additional $1.05 million to install EV charging stations across the city. The new stations would be in municipal lots that are conveniently located near main streets and small business districts. Installing more publicly-owned charging stations will make EV ownership more accessible to residents who do not have access to private parking. To help oversee the implementation, the FY24 budget funds an Electric Vehicle Program Coordinator. This position will help coordinate EV efforts city-wide, plan for future needs as the program grows, and seek out grant funding opportunities to grow the program.

The FY24 budget also makes significant commitments to facilitating active transportation. A $500 thousand investment funds 10,000 subsidized $5 Bluebike memberships to help make bike travel accessible to more Bostonians. The capital budget is also dedicating an additional $2 million to expand bike lanes and $1.4 million to add electric bikes to the Bluebikes fleet. To support pedestrians, the capital budget allocates $4.5 Million to create a walkable route from Haymarket to Government Center as well as to make improvements to the Thoreau path.

Open Space


Boston recognizes the benefits that come with reliable access to open space. That’s why the FY24 Budget invests heavily in buying, building, and maintaining parks and urban wilds across the City. The Operating budget includes additional funding that commits to the safety of our turf fields, ensures water features are properly running at our playgrounds in the summer, and explores building capacity for youth sports across our City. 

The Parks and Recreation $332 million dollar Capital Plan will continue to construct and renovate playgrounds, open spaces, and athletic fields across the City. New projects in the FY24 plan include Quincy Street Play Area and St. James Street Park in Roxbury, Fidelis Way in Allston Brighton, Tebroc Street Play Area and Ronan Park in Dorchester, and many more throughout Boston's neighborhoods. To support the City's long-term investment in Open Space, the FY24 Park's Department budget will bring on five project managers to oversee these exciting new ventures.

Man rides blue bike on the DCR Pathway trail

Building an Inclusive Economy

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) affords the City the ability to make bold investments toward systemic change. City council approved $61.1 million in ARPA funding to support Boston's business owners more substantially. Highlights of the proposed ARPA investments include:

  • $9 million to fund minority-owned business growth and capacity to apply for larger-scale contracts with the City.
  • $9 million to go toward the Commercial Rental Rebate Pilot Program, which will prioritize helping our small businesses, specifically women- and minority-owned businesses, move into downtown commercial districts to revitalize downtown districts.
  • $3.6 million to complement operating investments in the Boston Main Streets Program. The ARPA funds will focus on beautification of the physical district areas.
  • Man walks down Egleston square sidewalk below flag and business signs
  • $3 million to expand Tuition Free Community College and post-graduation coaching support. The majority of students thus far have been low-income, Black and Latinx, and first-generation college students.
  • $3 million to support workforce development programs in the life sciences and digital literacy.
  • $3.3 million to promote economic resilience within immigrant households and businesses through financial support and education.
  • $3 million to support diverse small businesses, with funds specifically for hard hit restaurants, through a tourism campaign, digital commerce platform, and grants.

Combatting the Housing Crisis

Boston residents struggle to afford housing and a significant number of Bostonians experience housing instability and homelessness. The Mayor's Office of Housing, which is currently managing a large portfolio of ARPA funded initiatives, will further step up its efforts with a $5 million investment organized around the following:

  • Expand the City-funded voucher program ($1.8 million), bringing total support to $11.5 million
  • Increase Flexible Financial Assistance/Rental Relief to keep people housed ($1 million), sustaining a pandemic era grant program
  • Support families facing homelessness and housing instability with Emergency Housing ($750 thousand)
  • Shifting salaries off of a federal grant and onto the operating budge to free up additional funding for housing and homeownership programs (roughly $500 thousand)


  • An expansion of the Additional Dwelling Units program ($1 million) to include structures outside the main building envelope

Boston housing stock

Small Business Investments

Mural of blue and white porcelain pot in Chinatown

The Small Business team leverages federal funding to support businesses, but sometimes eligibility requirements limit who can be supported. Those requirements sometimes exclude business owners in need of city support.

The FY24 Operating Budget includes $250 thousand for small business support for those who fall just outside of stringent federal grant limitations. This funding will allow the city to avoid gaps in service to vulnerable businesses.

In addition, several new Supplier Diversity staff positions will ensure end-to-end business engagement, certification, and support as potential contractors navigate the process of responding to City bids.

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