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FY24 Budget Engagement

OBM continues to innovate engagement methods each year to reach the public ahead of the budget development process.

Building on FY23 engagement work, OBM conducted seven workshops both in-person and virtually to reach constituents.  In addition to our internal engagement, the Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM) ran the second year of the Moving Through the Budget Pilot Program.

Neighborhood Coffee Hours

Each year, OBM participates in the Mayor's Neighborhood Coffee Hours hosted by the Parks and Recreation Department. The coffee hours are a multi-decade tradition of getting City Hall out of City Hall and are hosted in parks and other public spaces across Boston.

The Coffee Hours offer an opportunity for residents to speak directly to the Mayor and representatives of City departments about how the City can improve local parks, public areas, and other City services. There's also a suggestion box set up at each site.

In Many and June of 2023, OBM staff members handed out FY24 Recommended Budget one pagers translated into the major languages of various neighborhoods and answered questions from residents. Follow the Parks and Recreation Department for more information about next year's Coffee Hours!


Charlestown liaison gives a speech in a local park

Educational Workshop Series

In October 2022, the Office of Budget Management (OBM) announced a series of workshops aimed at reaching different population groups in the city. At the sessions, OBM outlined the budget process and highlighted changes made through the recent ballot initiative vote. Through its passage, it alters the City Council’s role in approving the budget and calls for the creation of a participatory budgeting model. 

The budget is the most direct way the City of Boston invests in the quality of life of its residents. Community engagement ensures that the City is spending its resources equitably and that the process is accessible for residents. 

To learn more about the launch of the budget workshops and view informational materials about the budget process, check out our "How the Budget Works" page. Materials are in 12 different languages. 

Youth Engagement Workshop

Moving Through the Budget

Participants write on large sheets of paper attached to the wall in a gymnasium
Participants in East Boston responding to a prompt.

The Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics ran the Moving Through the Budget workshops over the course of one weekend in the Fall of 2022. Workshops took place in Jamaica Plain and East Boston. The East Boston workshops were completely in Spanish. Small groups of constituents stretched, discussed civic engagement, and learned about the budget process.

To read more about the experience, check out the MTTB page.

In addition to the workshops, funding went toward developing six engagement videos, three in Spanish and three in English, to better facilitate budget engagement each year. Watch the videos below and come testify at a hearing! 

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