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Fire Department Phone Numbers And Locations

Have a question and wondering who to call? We’ve created a list of phone numbers for you, and a list of all the firehouse locations in the City.


We’ve included the numbers for all of the divisions of the Fire Department below, but these are the most common calls:

  • If you have a Fire Permit question, call Fire Prevention at 617-343-3628.
  • If you have a question about training or equipment, call the Training division at 617-343-3640.
  • Teachers and students should call the Public Education division at 617-343-3397.
  • For other requests, call Public Information and Media Relations at 617-343-3415.

Main Fire numbers

Department Name Phone Number
Department NameHeadquarters
Phone Number617-343-3550
Department NameAll Divisions
Phone Number617-343-3550
Department NameAll Fire Stations
Phone Number617-343-2880
Department NameCommissioner’s Office
Phone Number617-343-3610
Department NameChief of Department
Phone Number617-343-3610
Department NameChief of Field Operations
Phone Number617-343-2115
Department NameChief of Support Operations
Phone Number617-343-3617
Department NameFire Academy
Phone Number617-343-3092
Department NameFire Investigation (Arson)
Phone Number617-343-3324
Department NameFire Marshal
Phone Number617-343-3402
Department NameFire Prevention
Phone Number617-343-3628
Department NameFire Reports and Freedom of Information requests
Phone Number617-343-3402
Department NameLicenses and Annual Permits
Phone Number617-343-3772
Department NamePermits (Temporary)
Phone Number617-343-3628
Department NamePersonnel
Phone Number617-343-3460
Department NamePlanning and Logistics
Phone Number617-343-3390
Department NamePublic Education
Phone Number617-343-3397
Department NamePublic Information
Phone Number617-343-3415
Department NameSmoke Detector Inspections
Phone Number617-343-2191
Department NameTraining
Phone Number617-343-3640
Department NameFleet and Facilities
Phone Number617-343-3312
Department NamePublic Information and Media Relations
Phone Number617-343-3415

Firehouse Locations

Firehouse Locations
  • 125 Purchase Street, Downtown Boston, 02110
  •  1870 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 1 Chief
Address360 Saratoga St.
NeighborhoodEast Boston
LocationEngine 5
Address360 Saratoga St.
NeighborhoodEast Boston
LocationEngine 9 and Ladder 2
Address239 Sumner St.
NeighborhoodEast Boston
LocationEngine 56 and Ladder 21
Address1 Ashley St.
NeighborhoodEast Boston
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 3 Chief
Address200 Cambridge St.
NeighborhoodBeacon Hill
LocationEngine 4 and Ladder 24
Address200 Cambridge St.
NeighborhoodWest End
LocationEngine 8 and Ladder 1
Address392 Hanover St.
NeighborhoodNorth End
LocationEngine 32 and Ladder 9
Address525 Main St.
LocationEngine 50
Address34 Winthrop St.
LocationMarine Unit
AddressBurroughs Warf
NeighborhoodNorth End
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 4 Chief
Address200 Columbus Ave.
NeighborhoodBack Bay
LocationEngine 7 and Tower Ladder 17
Address200 Columbus Ave.
NeighborhoodBack Bay

Engine 3 and Special Unit

Address618 Harrison Ave.
NeighborhoodSouth End
LocationEngine 22, W-25 and Haz-Mat Unit
Address700 Tremont St.
NeighborhoodSouth End
LocationEngine 33 and Ladder 15
Address941 Boylston St.
NeighborhoodBack Bay
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 6 Chief
Address272 D St.
NeighborhoodSouth Boston
LocationEngine 39, Ladder 18 and C-11 Hospital Rep
Address272 D St.
NeighborhoodSouth Boston
LocationEngine 2 and Ladder 19
Address700 East Fourth St.
NeighborhoodSouth Boston
LocationEngine 10, Rescue 1, and Tower Ladder 3
Address125 Purchase St.
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 7 Chief
Address44 Winter St.
LocationEngine 17 and Ladder 7
Address44 Winter St.
LocationEngine 21
Address641 Columbia Rd.
LocationEngine 24 and Ladder 23     
Address36 Washington St.
LocationEngine 14, Ladder 4 and Safety Chief H-1
Address174 Dudley St.
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 8 Chief
Address9 Gallivan Blvd.
LocationEngine 16
Address9 Gallivan Blvd.
LocationEngine 18 and Ladder 6
Address1884 Dorchester Ave.
LocationEngine 20
Address301 Neponset Ave.
LocationFire Brigade
AddressLong Island
NeighborhoodBoston Harbor
LocationTraining Academy
AddressMoon Island
NeighborhoodBoston Harbor
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 9 Chief
Address746 Centre St.
NeighborhoodJamaica Plain
LocationEngine 42 and Rescue 2
Address1870 Columbus Ave.
LocationEngine 28 and Tower 

Ladder 10
Address746 Centre St.
NeighborhoodJamaica Plain
LocationEngine 37 and Ladder 26
Address560 Huntington Ave.
LocationSpecial Response Chief
Address560 Huntington Ave.
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict Chief 10
Address5115 Washington St.
NeighborhoodWest Roxbury
LocationEngine 30 and Ladder 25
Address1940 Centre St.
NeighborhoodWest Roxbury
LocationEngine 55
Address5115 Washington St.
NeighborhoodWest Roxbury
LocationEngine 49
Address209 Neponset Valley Parkway
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 11 Chief
Address138 Chestnut Hill Ave.
LocationEngine 29 and Ladder 11
Address138 Chestnut Hill Ave.
LocationEngine 41 and Ladder 14
Address460 Cambridge St.
LocationEngine 51
Address425 Faneuil St.
Location Address Neighborhood
LocationDistrict 12 Chief
Address945 Canterbury St.
LocationEngine 53 and Ladder 16
Address945 Canterbury St.
LocationEngine 48 and Ladder 28
Address60 Fairmont Ave.
NeighborhoodHyde Park
LocationEngine 52 and Ladder 29
Address975 Blue Hill Ave.
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