SPARK Boston
We want to empower 20- to 35-year-olds to play a greater role in planning for the City’s future.
Boston is growing and changing in tremendous ways. Now, more than ever, we need to draw a larger and more diverse range of Boston’s young adults into the conversation. We need new tools and strategies to achieve the transformative impact that we desire.
We need to find new and innovative ways to engage Boston’s young people. That is what SPARK Boston represents. We’re asking our young people to help us set priorities, address City issues, and plan for Boston’s future. Twenty to thirty-five year olds, the millennial and increasingly Gen Z generations, make up more than 39% of Boston's residents. It's time to reclaim our civic power!
Upcoming events
Upcoming eventsGet involved
Apply to the 2023-2024 SPARK Boston Council
Applications for Mayor Wu's September 2023-August 2024 council are open through May 26.
Spark Boston Council
The council serves as the Mayor's ambassadors to the rest of Boston’s large and diverse population of 20- to 35-year-olds.
Boston You're My Home
Create your own map of your neighborhood with our participatory art project.
About us
Our work is focused on connecting, innovating, and empowering:
CONNECTINGWe want to help young adults from diverse backgrounds build relationships. Our goal is to strengthen your personal and professional networks in Boston.
INNOVATINGWe plan to tap into this generation’s energy and creativity to rethink civic engagement in the digital age.
EMPOWERINGWe’re engaging with the next generation of civic leaders and social entrepreneurs in City government.
We offer many partnership opportunities for groups and organizations wanting to collaborate with SPARK Boston. Email us to get the conversation started:
Find Your Neighborhood Representatives
Are you curious about who represents your neighborhood?
Find your Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services liaison, Cultural Advisor, Faith-based Advisor or city councilor.