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Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Aberdeen Architectural Conservation District Commission

Reason for cancellation: The applications on the agenda have asked to be withdrawn and heard at a future public hearing.

To enter and exit City Hall after 5:30 p.m., please use the Congress Street entrance.

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

  1. Design Review

    APP # 19.1403 AB         24 Selkirk Road Proposed Work: At Front and side elevations replace wood sidewall shingles in kind, construct a 2 ½ floor addition at rear of structure.

    APP # 20.331 AB           5 Colliston Road #7: At front façade level 4 left façade Replace 4 wood 6 over 1 windows and side façade, level 4, replace two full size wood, 6 over 1, wood windows with vinyl, 6 over 1 windows.


    APP # 20.507 AB          4 Chiswick Road #31: At front and side (open courtyard) facades, 3rd floor, unit #31 replace 11, 6 over 1, aluminum clad windows with 11, 6 over 1, aluminum clad windows.

    APP # 20.348 AB          1945-1949 Commonwealth Avenue: At all facades, replace all existing original windows with 6 over 1, wood windows.

    APP # 20.373 AB          9-15 Egremont Rd: Point and repair brickwork in kind.

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