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Public Improvement Commission hearing

The Public Improvement Commission will hold a hearing on November 21 at 10 a.m.

Discussion Topics

  1. Hearing Minutes

    At the request of the Public Improvement Commission staff, the Acceptance of the Minutes of the PIC hearing held on November 7, 2019.


  2. Public Hearing

    On a joint petition by AvalonBay Communities Inc., Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, and the Boston Housing Authority for the Widening & Relocation of the existing right-of-way lines of Fidelis Way (private way open to public travel), Brighton, located on its northwesterly side at the side of 139-149 Washington Street, northeast of Washington Street.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Widening and Relocation Plan, Fidelis Way (Private Way Open to Public Travel), Brighton District,” 1 sheet dated September 17, 2019.

    On a joint petition by AvalonBay Communities Inc. and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston for the acceptance of a Pedestrian Easement adjacent to Washington Street (public way), Brighton, on its northeasterly side at address nos. 139-149, between Fidelis Way and Monastery Road.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Pedestrian Easement Plan, Washington Street, 139-149 Washington Street, Brighton District,” 1 sheet dated September 17, 2019.

    On a joint petition by AvalonBay Communities Inc., Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, and the Boston Housing Authority for the making of Specific Repairs within the following roadways in Brighton, consisting of curb realignment, sidewalk reconstruction, as well as new and relocated pedestrian ramps, specialty pavement, street lights, street trees, landscaping, stormdrain infrastructure, hydrants, and driveway curb cuts:

    Washington Street – on its northeasterly side at address nos. 139-149, between Fidelis Way and Monastery Road;
    Fidelis Way (private way open to public travel) – northeast of Washington Street.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a set of plans entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Specific Repairs Plan, 139 Washington Street, Fidelis Way, Brighton,” 3 sheets dated September, 2019.

    On a joint petition by Stuart Acquisition 12 LLC and Stuart Acquisition 22 LLC for the granting of an Earth Retention License for the installation of a temporary earth support system within the following public ways in Boston Proper:

    Stuart Street – on its southerly side at address nos. 212-222, east of Church Street;
    Shawmut Street – on its northerly side between Church Street and Cocoanut Grove Lane.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Temporary Earth Retention Plan, Stuart Street Residences, 212-222 Stuart Street, Boston,” 1 sheet dated December 6, 2018.

    On a petition by Zero Athens LLC for the acceptance of Pedestrian Easements adjacent to the following public ways in South Boston:

    West Second Street – on its southerly side at address nos. 21-35, east of Athens Street;
    Athens Street – on its northeasterly side, southeast of West Second Street.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Pedestrian Easement, 21-35 West Second Street, South Boston,” 1 sheet dated September 20, 2019.

    On a joint petition by Zero Athens LLC and the Boston Planning & Development Agency for the Vertical Discontinuance of portions of West Second Street (public way), South Boston, located on its southerly side at address nos. 21-35 east of Athens Street, vertically above the grade of the sidewalk.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Vertical Discontinuance, 21-35 West Second Street, South Boston,” 1 sheet dated July 11, 2019.

    On a petition by Zero Athens LLC for the making of Specific Repairs within the following public ways in South Boston, consisting of curb and sidewalk reconstruction, as well as new and relocated specialty pavement, street trees, stormdrain infrastructure, and driveway curb cuts:

    West Second Street – on its southerly side at address nos. 21-35, east of Athens Street;
    Athens Street – on its northeasterly side, southeast of West Second Street.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a set of plans entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Specific Repairs Plan, Athens and West 2nd Street Apartments, 21-35 West 2nd Street, South Boston,” 3 sheets dated October 3, 2019.

    On a petition by Zero Athens LLC for the granting of a Projection License for the installation of a canopy over a portion of West Second Street (public way), South Boston, on its southerly side at address nos. 21-35, east of Athens Street.

    (NB 11/7/2019) As shown on a plan entitled “City of Boston Public Works Department, Engineering Division, Canopy License, Athens and West 2nd Street Apartments, 21-35 West 2nd Street, South Boston,” 1 sheet dated October 3, 2019.

  3. New Business

    Citywide – Adoption of a Policy for Climate Resilience – On a joint petition by the Boston Planning & Development Agency and the City of Boston Public Works Department

    Massachusetts Avenue, Boylston Street, Newbury Street; Boston Proper – Widening & Relocation, Specific Repairs, Earth Retention License – On a set of joint petitions by S&A P-12 Property LLC and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation 

    1 Halleck Street, Gurney Street, Station Street; Roxbury – Specific Repairs – On a petition by P25 Phase 2 LLC 

    East Eighth Street, East Ninth Street, Mercer Street, Reverend Richard A. Burke Street, Patterson Way; South Boston – Pedestrian Easements, Specific Repairs – On a set of joint petitions by Old Colony Phase Three B4 Limited Partnership, Old Colony Phase Three B9 Limited Partnership, Old Colony Phase Three C Limited Partnership, and the Boston Housing Authority

    457 West Broadway, Silver Street; South Boston – Pedestrian Easement, Specific Repairs – On a set of petitions by Navem West Broadway LLC 

    256-260 Newbury Street; Boston Proper – Earth Retention License – On a petition by Chevron Partners (d/b/a Maison Newbury LLC)

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