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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Boston Water and Sewer Commission meeting

The Boston Water and Sewer Commission will hold a regular meeting on November 25 at 8:30 a.m.

Discussion Topics

  1. Call to Order

    Minutes of Meeting

    • 1. Minutes of the October 23, 2019 Meeting
  2. Informational Reports

    Disbursement Ratification (Schedules A, B & D) 

  3. General Management Reports
    • 1. Capital Improvement Program Budget Variance Report 
    • 2. Monthly Management Report 
    • 3. Revenue and Expenses Report 
  4. Proposals and Contracts


    • Project Performance Tracking and Reporting
    • Commission Authorization to Advertise for Contract 17-308-003, Replacement of Water Mains and Replacement and Rehabilitation of Sewer and Drain Pipes in Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Roslindale, Roxbury and West Roxbury
    • Commission Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Contract No 18-308-002 for Water Works Improvements in Boston Proper and Back Bay
    • Commission Authorization to Advertise for Contract No. 20-309-008, Sewer and Drain Condition Monitoring in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Contract No. 20-309-011. Roadway Restoration of Boston Water and Sewer Excavations
    • Commission Authorization to Solicit Proposals to Perform a Coastal Stormwater Dischargers Analysis
    • Commission Authorization to Participate in Boston Parks and Recreation Department Project to Install a Drain Through Langone Park


    • Commission Authorization to Utilize the Massachusetts State Contract for Printing and Graphic Design Services for Commission Publications and Materials
    • Commission Authorization to Award a Contract to Award a Contract to Purchase Microsoft Licensing Through an Enterprise Agreement from Dell for 2020
    • Commission Authorization to Award a Contract to Purchase Wireless and Telecommunications Services from Verizon Wireless/Verizon New England, Inc.
    • Commission Authorization to Negotiate a Contract to Purchase Data Communications Services
    • Commission Authorization to Utilize the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Contract, General Service Agreements and Authorized Consortium/Collaborative Agreements for the Purchase of IT hardware and Miscellaneous Supplies in 2020
    • Commission Authorization to Negotiate a Contract to with Itineris for Support Service Related to the UMAX Customer Information/Billing System and Waive the Advertisement Requirement and Purchase These Services Under Sole Source Procurement
    • Commission Authorization to Award a Contract to Oracle Corporation for Maintenance and Technical Support on the Commission’s Human Resource/Financial Management Systems for 2020
    • Commission Authorization to Award a Contract to Oracle Corporation for Migration of Peoplesoft Licenses from a Budget-Based Model to a User Based Model
    • Commission Authorization to Award a Contract to Oracle Corporation for Annual Maintenance and Technical Support Services for the Commission’s Oracle Relational Database Management Systems and Related Software for 2020


    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-303-001, Emergency Repairs to Water Services in the City of Boston 
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-303-002, Emergency repairs to Sewer and Drains in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-303-003, Reconstruction of Drainage and Sewerage Works in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-303-004, Cleaning and Television Inspection of Sewer and Storm Drains in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-303-005 Disposal/Reuse of Waste Trench Excavate
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-303-006 Disposal/Reuse of Waste Sewer Cleanings
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract 20-303-007 Disposal/Reuse of Catch Basin Cleanings
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract 20-303-008 Restoration of Water and Sewer Permanent Paving of Excavations in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract 20-303-009, Restoration of Water and Sewer Sidewalk Excavations in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract 20-303-010, Catch Basin Cleaning 1 in the City of Boston
    • Commission Authorization to Utilize the Current Approved Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Contracts, ENE 47 for the purchase of biodiesel Fuel and ENE 48 for the Purchase of Unleaded Gasoline in 2020
    • Commission Authorization to Utilize the Current Approved Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Contract VEH109 for Tires and Tubes, New and Retread in 2020


    • Commission Authorization to Approval and Adoption of the Issuance Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Not to Exceed $100,000,000 Boston Water and Sewer Commission General Revenue and Refunding Bonds, 2020 Series A and Related Matters
    • Commission Authorization to Award Contract No. 20-205-003 for Mailhouse Service for a Period of Three Years to JLS Mailing Service   


    • Commission Authorization to Utilize New England Water Works Association to Provide Training to Commission Employees in 2020 

    Organizational Diversity

    • Commission Authorization to Utilize the on-going City of Boston and Partner Agencies Disparity Study

    Executive Session

    • Minutes
    • Litigation
    • Employee Matters
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