Boston Public Library Trustees Meeting
There will be a Boston Public Library (BPL) Trustees as an Corporation Administrative Agency on February 4 at 3 p.m.
This is an open meeting. The public is welcome to attend.
- Webinar ID: 892 5084 2985
- Call-in option: 1-646-558-8656, 1-301-715-8592, or 1-305-224-1968
Discussion Topics
- Chair’s Report
Dr. Ray Liu, Chair
- Call to Order
- Acknowledge EDI statement
- Roll Call
- Review and Approval of Minutes for the December 13, 2024 Special Meeting
- President’s Report
David Leonard, President
- Greetings from the Honan-Allston Branch
Carin O’Connor, Branch Librarian
- Introduction of new EDI Manager, Kyrah Altman
- Strategic Plan – Implementation & Rollout Updates
- Operational Updates
- Trustees Finance and Audit Committee
Evelyn Arana-Ortiz, Committee Chair
- Approval of Votes
Emily Tokarczyk, Chief Financial Officer
- Microsoft 365 Renewal Contract
VOTED: “that, the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve Microsoft 365 Renewal in the amount of Two Hundred Sixty-Eight Four Hundred Sixty-Seven and Ninety Cents ($268,467.90).
- BPL Fleet of Vehicles
VOTED: “that, the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston approve the purchase of the fleet of vehicles from Colonial Ford, 11 Pilgrim Hill Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 in the amount of Three Hundred Eighteen Thousand Two Hundred Eighteen Dollars and Twenty Cents ($318,218.20).”
- Introduction to BPL Budget
Emily Tokarczyk, Chief Financial Officer
- Update on FY26 City Operating Budget Submission
Emily Tokarczyk, Chief Financial Officer
- Update on FY26 City Capital Budget Submission
David Leonard, President
Jon Eshel, Chief of Operations
- Update on FY26 Massachusetts Legislative Agenda (budget)
David Leonard, President
- Trustee Committees
Dr. Ray Liu, Chair
- Recognitions & Committee Close Outs
- Strategic Planning
- Community Engagement
- General Updates
- BPL Fund Presentation
Jeff Hawkins, BPL Fund Chair and Paula Sakey, BPL Fund Executive Director
- New Business
- Public Comment
Please sign up for public comment within the first 30 minutes of the meeting to support effective time management. On occasion, additional public comments on matters formally on the agenda may be allowed at the discretion of the Chair, and time allowing. Members of the public are also reminded that comments may alternatively be submitted in writing to the Clerk for distribution to the Trustees.
- Adjournment
Dr. Ray Liu, Chair
*Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2025, Central Library at 8:30am. (Subject to change, please see website for details)