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Boston Redevelopment Authority D/B/A Boston Planning And Development Agency Board Of Directors Meeting

The Boston Redevelopment Authority D/B/A Boston Planning and Development Agency Board of Directors Meeting will take place on March 13, 2025, at 3:30 p.m.

The meeting will be televised on Boston City TV (Xfinity Channel 26, RCN Channel 13, and Verizon Fios Channel 962) and livestreamed on Members of the Public may participate in person at the BPDA Board Room, Boston City Hall, Room 900, 9th Floor, Boston, MA, or participate virtually by registering via Zoom.

Public testimony begins at

Discussion Topics



    1.    Request authorization for the approval of the Minutes of the February 13, 2025, Board Meeting.

    2.    Request authorization to schedule a Public Hearing on April 10, 2025, at 5:30 p.m., or at a date and time to be determined by the Director, to consider the Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Master Plan for Planned Development Area No. 87 and the Second Amendment to the Development Plan for the Residential Project at 125 Guest Street within Planned Development Area No. 87, Boston Landing, Guest Street, Life Street, and Arthur Street in the Brighton Area of Boston.


    3.    Request authorization to (1) amend the Lease with Charlestown Marina, LLC adding property management responsibilities relating to the CNY Harborwalk and extending the term expiration to March 31, 2065; and (2) amend the Amended and Restated Land Disposition Agreement with Carlyle CQ Boston.L.P. to remove routine maintenance responsibilities for a portion of the CNY Harborwalk from the Parris Landing Condominium Association; and (3) amend the Agreement with Immobiliare New England regarding maintenance responsibilities for a portion of the CNY Harborwalk which are currently the responsibility of Flagship Wharf Condominium, at a future date. 


    4.    Request authorization to execute a contract with Colliers International New England LLC in the amount of $787,270 for property management services at the China Trade Building located at 2 Boylston Street, for a contract term of 3 years, with 2 one-year term extension options.


    5.    Request authorization to adopt a Minor Modification for the extension of 12 Urban Renewal Plans within the City of Boston until March 31, 2027, or until the Home Rule petition is signed into law; and to take all related actions.


    6.    Informational Briefing on the Boston Design Vision Recommendation Implementation of the Planning Academy Program.


    7.    Request authorization to issue a Certificate of Completion for the successful completion of the 3368 Washington Street Project in Jamaica Plain, pursuant to the Agreement by and between the Boston Redevelopment Authority d/b/a Boston Planning & Development Agency, Washington Pine LLC, Pine Street Inn, and The Community Builders, dated November 14, 2019.





    8.    Request authorization to (1) approve the Notice of Project Change and issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed creation of 32 homeownership units including 5 homeownership IDP units, a reduction of car parking spaces, and relocation of bicycle storage, maintenance, and elevator facilities located at 120 Braintree Street; and (2) execute an Affordable Housing Agreement; and (3) enter into a Community Benefit Contribution Agreement; and to take all related actions.

    9.    Request authorization to (1) issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed construction of 43 fully affordable homeownership units, 22 car parking spaces, and approximately 52 bicycle parking spaces, located at 65-79 Seattle Street; and (2) enter into a Community Benefits Agreement; and to take all related actions.


    10.   Request authorization to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement for the proposed creation of 3 IDP homeownership units located at 9 Fuller Street, and to take all related actions.

    11.   Request authorization to enter into an Affordable Rental Housing Agreement and Restriction for the proposed creation of 1 on-site rental IDP unit located at 308 Norwell Street; and to take all related actions.


    12.   Request authorization to (1) issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed construction of 80 residential rental units, including 14 Inclusionary Zoning units and 2 Voucher units, located at 15 Court Square; and (2) enter into a PILOT Agreement; and (3) accept a Quitclaim Deed for a temporary, limited interest in the 15 Court Square property; and to take all related actions.

    East Boston

    13.   Request authorization to approve the Notice of Project Change and issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed construction of 36 homeownership units, including 5 IDP units, and 14 car parking spaces, located at 151 Liverpool Street; and to take all related actions.

    14.   Request authorization to enter into an Affordable Housing Agreement for the proposed creation of 5 IDP homeownership units located at 279 Maverick Street; and to take all related actions.

    Hyde Park

    15.  Request authorization to approve the Notice of Project Change and issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed reduction of parking spaces located at 1318 River Street; and to take all related actions.

    Jamaica Plain

    16.   Request authorization to issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed construction of an approximately 5,300 square feet retail market barn building, an approximately 5,350 square feet retail market greenhouse, and 58 car parking spaces, located at 259 Allandale Street; and to take all related actions.


    17.   Request authorization to: (1) approve the Updated Site Plan as an exhibit to the First Amendment to the Olmsted Village Smart Growth Development Plan, presented to and approved by the BPDA on August 15, 2024, amending the Smart Growth Development Plan for the Olmsted Village Subdistrict pursuant to Sections 87-11; and (2) revise and correct a scrivener’s error in section 2 of the First Amendment to the Development Plan; and to take all related actions.

    Mission Hill

    18.   Request authorization to (1) issue a Certification of Approval pursuant to Article 80E, Small Project Review of the Zoning Code, for the proposed construction of 48 fully affordable homeownership units; 13 car parking spaces, 48 bicycle parking spaces, 2,000 square feet of retail space, and approximately 28,000 square feet of public open space including a community garden, located at 77 Terrace Street and 778-796 Parker Street; and (2) enter into a Community Benefits Agreement; and to take all related actions.


    19.   Request authorization to (1) issue a Scoping Determination waiving further review pursuant to Article 80B of the Zoning Code, for the proposed construction of a mixed-use life sciences building, ground floor commercial space, and 122 car parking spaces located at 17 Bradston Street; and (2) execute a Cooperation Agreement; and to take all related actions.

    South Boston

    20.   Request authorization to (1) issue a Determination waiving further review pursuant to Section 80A-6 of the Zoning Code, in connection with the Notice of Project Change filed by 22 Drydock LLC regarding the proposed ISQ 3 Project at 20 and 22 Drydock Avenue, also known as 331-339 Northern Avenue; and (2) issue one or more Certifications or Partial Certifications of Compliance for the Revised Project under Section 80B-6, upon successful completion of the Article 80B, Large Project Review process; and (3) execute an amendment to the Cooperation Agreement dated April 17, 2024; and to take all related actions.


    21.   5:30 pm – Request authorization to (1) issue an Adequacy Determination approving the proposed 2025-2035 Harvard University Allston Campus Institutional Master Plan pursuant to Article 80D of the Zoning Code; and (2) petition the Zoning Commission for approval of the proposed Harvard University Allston Institutional Master Plan and associated Map Amendments; and (3) authorize the Director to issue on or more Certifications of Consistency in connection with the proposed Institutional Projects described in the Harvard Allston IMP, pursuant to Article 80D-10 of the Zoning Code; and to take all related actions.


    22.   Request authorization to disburse $200,000 from the Harvard Allston Partnership Fund to 25 nonprofit community organizations in the Allston-Brighton neighborhood.

    23.   Request authorization to amend the Memorandum of Agreement by and between the City of Boston and the Boston Redevelopment Authority concerning the transfer of funds by the BRA to the City of Boston, to reimburse the City for the costs of staff and services transferred to the City.

    24.   Contractual

    25.   Director’s Update

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