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Carney Hospital Closing
Carney Hospital is closing on August 31 and will no longer offer emergency department or inpatient hospital services. Find resources for Carney patients, local residents, and Carney employees.
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Boston Food Access Council meeting

The Boston Food Access Council will meet on December 4 at 6 p.m.

Discussion Topics

  1. Agenda
  2. Registration
  3. Opening
    • Welcome ( Sarah Cluggish, Project Bread )
    • Review evening’s agenda ( Sarah Cluggish, Project Bread )
  4. Outcomes of September 25th Small Group Discussions
    • Presentation from Harvard Team (Emily Broad-Leib & Erika Dunyak & Maggie McGovern and Matt Elkwood, Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic)
    •             Synopsis of common themes from small group discussions, possible program & policy direction
    •  Break out discussions to reflect on, add to, and identify top priorities 
    • Voting - report back to larger group
  5. Next steps & March meeting
    • Outreach - New members and future Steering Committee candidates ( Sarah Cluggish, Project Bread )  
    •       We will announce steering committee winners by email on Dec 5th  
    •       OFA will help organize the first Steering Committee meeting for early 2020, transition committee overlap
    • March and June Meeting dates - March 4th & June 3rd @ Huntington Ave YMCA
  6. Steering Committee Elections
    • Overview of election process ( Jonathan Tetrault, Greater Boston Food Bank, Catalina Lopez-Ospina, Office of Food Access, Tara Agrawal Pedulla, Children’s Hospital)
    • Steering Committee Candidate Pitches
    •  Voting
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