This page contains information about the Neighborhood Slow Streets plan for the Chinatown neighborhood.
Neighborhood Slow Streets is a new approach to traffic calming requests in Boston. We're focused on street designs that self-enforce slower speeds and safer behaviors. Through this program, we aim to:
- reduce the number and severity of crashes on residential streets
- lessen the impacts of traffic, and
- add to the quality of life in our neighborhoods.
Chinatown is one of five communities that was selected to join the program in 2017.
邻区慢街道是波士顿交通宁静请求的新方法。 我们专注于街头设计,自我执行较慢的速度和更安全的行为。 通过该计划,我们的目标是:
- 减少社区街道上的车祸次数和严重程度
- 减少交通的影响,和
- 增加我们社区的生活质量。
Construction Updates
Construction underway! We worked with residents to develop a traffic-calming plan for the Chinatown neighborhood. The plan includes raised crosswalks, speed humps, and other features that will slow speeds.
- Speed humps on Hudson Street (Kneeland to Tai Tung): Installed, reflective speed hump arrows will be installed in Spring 2025
- Speed humps on Harrison Street (Tai Tung to Harrison): Additional speed humps coming in Spring 2025
- Raised crosswalks on Harrison Avenue: Spring 2025
- Ash Street one-way conversion: complete
- Clear corners: signs installed, pavement markings and flexposts will be installed in Spring 2025
Ash Street One-Way
Beginning the week of February 1, 2025, Ash Street will become a one-way street toward Nassau Street. Right-turns from Nassau Street to Ash Street will be prohibited.
Ash Street has limited width for two-way travel. In response to safety concerns, Ash Street will be changed to one-way toward Nassau Street to improve traffic flow and safety in the area.
Speed Humps on Hudson street
We're installing speed humps on Hudson Street to slow speeds. We have installed speed humps between Kneeland Street and Tai Tung Street.
Within the next few months, we will install additional speed humps on Hudson Street between Tai Tung Street and Harrison Avenue to slow speeding along the curve and restore resident parking on north side of Hudson Street between Tai Tung Street and Harrison Avenue. Parking will not be allowed on the south side of Hudson Street. Our approach to installing speed humps has evolved over the years, and we believe that speed humps will be more effective to slowing speeds than the "parking chicane," originally proposed.
When the weather is warmer in Spring 2025, we will be able to install reflective arrow markings on the speed humps (shown in the image to the left).
Speed humps do not impede street sweeping, snow plowing, or street parking.
Raised crosswalk on Oak Street
Last summer, we built a raised crosswalk and new curb ramps on Oak Street at Ash Street.
Raised crosswalks are the same level as the sidewalk. They are like a speed hump and crosswalk combined. They make crossings more comfortable for people who use wheelchairs and other mobility aids.
Raised crosswalks on Harrison Avenue
We are designing two additional raised crosswalks on Harrison Avenue:
- Harrison Avenue at Harvard Street
- Harrison Avenue at Bennet Street
Construction and design was delayed due to utility work and other factors. We are aiming to begin construction on these crosswalks sometime after Spring 2025.
Project History
HistoryWe met with residents from 6:30 - 8 p.m. at the Quincy School and Community Center at 885 Washington Street.
After the July 26, 2018, public meeting, we collected feedback through an online survey. Community members were asked to give their feedback on the concept plan.
We met with residents from 6 - 8 p.m. at the China Trade Center on Boylston Street.
We joined community members for a neighborhood walk on Tuesday, October 3, at 5:30 p.m. We started at Kneeland Street and Harvard Street. What we learned from the walk will supplement information:
- received in the application
- reported through the Vision Zero Safety Concerns map, and
- collected through speed and volume studies.
Neighbors were welcomed to join all or some of the walk. The walk was not the only time or place that neighbors can provide input on the Neighborhood Slow Streets project. Neighbors can also share their concerns on the Vision Zero Safety Concerns map or at future public meetings about the project.
Zone Map
Other streets - Streets that are outside of the zone, regardless of who owns them, or streets that are within the zone boundaries and will not be evaluated for traffic calming.
*All streets that we will consider for changes are marked as "zone streets." During the planning process, we may determine that some streets won’t see any changes. We generally will not consider any additional streets that are not marked as "zone streets."
2017 Application Period
Neighborhood Slow Streets prioritizes street safety improvements in areas:
- with a history of serious crashes
- with a high number of residents more likely to be killed or seriously injured walking or biking (children, older adults, and people living with disabilities)
- that include places people may walk or bike to (schools, libraries, parks, community centers, bus stops, or transit stations), and
- near existing or planned opportunities for walking, biking, or taking transit.