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Youth Lead the Change

Boston youth ages 12-22 have the power to spend one million dollars every year through a participatory budgeting process.

The mission of Youth Lead the Change is to engage Boston’s youth in the democratic process by giving them the power and resources to effect tangible change in their communities. The program aims to build leadership skills, enhance civic participation, and strengthen the connection between young residents and city government.

2023-2024 Winning Projects

Boston Shelters 2.0: Funding improvements to emergency shelters. Renovations will enhance the capacity and quality of life of those sheltering there!

shelters 2.0

  • 1825 Total Votes
  • 23% of all Votes

Next Level Sports: Upgrading youth sports facilities such as gyms, swimming pools and other spaces at Boston community centers!

  • 1284 Total Votes


  • 16% of all Votes

Check out our 2023-2024 results sheet for more information about this year’s participatory budgeting process.

Program Overview

YLC voting

Youth Lead the Change is a groundbreaking participatory budgeting program in the City of Boston, designed to empower young residents ages 12 to 22 to directly determine the allocation of $1 million in city funds. As the first youth-focused participatory budgeting initiative in the United States, this program invites young people to identify community needs, propose innovative solutions, and vote on projects that will positively impact their neighborhoods. Through this process, participants gain valuable civic engagement experience  while fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility for their community. By involving youth in the decision-making process, the program not only empowers them to take an active role in shaping their communities but also helps build a more inclusive, responsive, and equitable city. Through Youth Lead the Change, Boston is setting a new standard for youth engagement and civic participation, ensuring that the voices of young people are heard and valued in shaping the future of the city.

Program Goals

  1. Civic Engagement: Increase youth participation in local government by involving them directly in the decision-making process.
  2. Community Improvement: Address the needs and priorities of Boston’s neighborhoods through youth-led projects that enhance quality of life.
  3. Youth Empowerment: Ensure that the diverse voices of Boston’s youth are represented in the distribution of city funds.
  4. Stronger Community Connections: Build a stronger relationship between Boston’s youth and city government, fostering trust and collaboration.

Structure and Process

Structure and Process

 Youth Lead the Change operates on an annual cycle that includes several key phases:

Young people from across Boston are invited to submit project ideas that address community needs through a capital project. Ideas can be submitted online, through workshops, or during community meetings.

The Office of Youth Engagement and Advancement team work together to research, refine, and develop project proposals based on the ideas submitted. They collaborate with city officials and community experts to assess feasibility and impact.

Once proposals are finalized, all Boston residents aged 12-22 are encouraged to vote on the projects they believe will make the most significant impact. Voting takes place online and at designated locations throughout the city.

 The projects that receive the most votes are funded and implemented by the City of Boston, with ongoing support from the OYEA team.

Funded Projects

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