Beacon Hill Architectural Commission Hearing
The commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, December 15, 2016.
(Use Congress Street as an entrance and exit at City Hall after 5:30 p.m.)
Discussion Topics
- Review and Ratification of the November 17, 2016 Minutes
Design Review
17.404 BH - 25 Beacon Street (Continuance from 10/2016)
Applicant: Chris Pitman, CBT Architects (Applicant)
Proposed Work: Install a wire mesh on the interior side of the sixth floor balconies on both the south and east façades.
17.531 BH - 89 Beacon Street (Continuance from 11/2016)
Applicant: Eric Hersum, Back Bay Properties Corp. (Applicant)
Proposed Work: Dismissal of outstanding Notice of Violation for the “partial demolition of rear garden wall visible from Brimmer Street”; and to install paneled wood garage doors with a black painted finish.
Applicant: John Day, LDa Architecture and Interiors
Proposed Work: Construct a roof deck on the main roof; install wire mesh behind the stone balustrade; install one new door opening on the rooftop addition; modify door and window openings; remove a non-historic chimney at the rear of the Beacon Street bldg.; window replacement; masonry restoration; and replace copper gutters and leaders in-kind.
17.422 BH - 45 Temple Street (Continuance from 11/2016)
Applicant: David Raftery, JDMD Owner, LLC (Applicant)
Proposed Work: Modify the north, east and west façades; create a passageway between Temple Street and Ridgeway Lane; and construct a rooftop addition with a roof deck.
Administrative Review
17.539 BH - 5 Acorn Street: Remove the roof deck; and replace the roofing membrane system and flashing in-kind.
17.651 BH - 74 Beacon Street: Install one fan and one vent on the clay chimney pots on the chimneys.
17.652 BH - 39 Brimmer Street: Replace nine one-over-one storm windows with a bronze finish on the rear façade.
17.493 BH - 10 Charles River Square: Replace the roofing membrane system and copper gutters in-kind.
17.616 BH - 21 Charles River Square: Repoint.
17.194 BH - 71 Chestnut Street, Apt. G: Restore two paired multi-light wood casement windows with a black painted finish at the garden level fronting Chestnut Street.
17.499 BH - 142 Chestnut Street: Replace two eight-over-eight, double-hung wood windows with a black painted finish at the fourth floor.
17.619 BH - 69 Myrtle Street: Replace the former wood signband above the first floor window fronting Garden Street in-kind.
17.542 BH - 70 Myrtle Street: Rebuild two brick chimneys with terracotta chimney pots in-kind.
17.513 BH - 82 Phillips Street: Repoint; clean the masonry façade using a mild detergent; and re-caulk and repaint the windows off-white.
17.529 BH - 75 Revere Street: Repaint front door dark green; replace deteriorated portions of the wood entryway surround in-kind and repaint light beige.
17.555 BH - 3 West Cedar Street: Restore the existing wood door and trim in the garden wall and repaint black.
17.541 BH - 6 West Cedar Street: Repoint a portion of the chimney; and temporarily remove a portion of the slate shingles and dormer face trim in order to replace the copper flashing.